Balancing Input Costs, Yield Goals, and Output Economics

Balancing Input Costs, Yield Goals, and Output Economics

Due to supply chain challenges that resulted from the pandemic slow-down and the war in Ukraine, input costs such as chemical fertilizers are becoming more expensive for growers. An article “Is Lowering Fertilizer Right for You?” was just published by Jessie deHaan (Vineland Research & Innovation Center) at ONFloriculture on August 22, 2023.  The article reported the field trials on potted chrysanthemums using different levels of 17:5:17 fertilizers between 25 and 300 ppm of nitrogen (N). The trials were done in two greenhouse's infrastructures: (1) an older greenhouse where ventilation and heat pockets were a problem, giving less ideal growing conditions, and (2) a newer greenhouse with ideal growing conditions. Their findings:

  1. In the older greenhouse, fertilizer rates of 100 ppm of N and below were limiting plant growth because of the growth conditions were not ideal for the plants. If the growth conditions are not ideal for plants, lowering fertilizer rate is not a viable alternative for growers.
  2. In the newer greenhouse with ideal condition, plants fertilized at 75 ppm and 250 ppm had comparable numbers of flowers, plant size, and quality (indistinguishable). Lowering fertilizer rate might result in cost savings.

At Nutrienvisus, we conducted our products (Enviotics & Enviotin) trials on potted chrysanthemums at Burnaby Lake Greenhouses Ltd, a local greenhouse in British Columbia, Canada. Their greenhouse's infrastructure is excellent. Even though growers applied their usual amount of fertilizers, they were still concerned about chrysanthemums that had chlorotic leaves and poor growth in the winter. There were two underlying reasons of the issues, therefore we proposed two solutions:

  1. Ineffective nutritional uptake by plants: we offer our precision-formulated plant probiotics (our product brand: Enviotics®) as a solution. Learn more about Enviotics: click here.
  2. Nutritional disorder: we offer our precision-formulated organic plant nutrients (our product brand: Enviotin®) as a solution. Nutrient deficiency is not always simple to identify. Enviotin will come in very handy for growers to address a variety of nutritional deficiency-related problems. Learn more about Enviotin: click here.

Chlorosis leaves and unhealthy chrysanthemum plants mean plant losses for growers because they are unsellable. When we can get rid of their crop production challenges, growers are able to save money on labour costs and input costs such as growing media, seedlings, pots, water, energy, and fertilizers.  We provide alternative strategies for optimizing farm performance and managing yield goals.

Below are the results of our Enviotics and Enviotin trials in chrysanthemums:

Enviotics® product is used to help plants for better nutrient absorption, and the product can improve plant health and yields. A total of 5,940 potted Chrysanthemums were sprayed by Enviotics, biweekly. Enviotics treatment of a chrysanthemum crop shown improved growth (rate and consistency across the crop), increased flower production, greater size and denser/robust root systems. Different varieties of chrysanthemums such as Chesapeake, Butterfeld, Bold New York, and Milton Dark Pink were used for our commercial trials.


Enviotin® contains all the important primary & secondary nutrients, and trace elements in one package to support healthy plant growth. In this field trial, Enviotin was added to help unknown nutrient deficiency to improve plant health and growth. We used 2680 potted chrysanthemums from 3 cultivars (Shasta Improved, Chesapeake, Butterfeld). From those 3 chrysanthemums, Shasta Improved grew slower than other chrysanthemums. In the treated plant with 1% Enviotin, Shasta Improved were ready to harvest together with other cultivars at week 12. The growth of Shasta Improved was more uniform, larger plant, and more flowers.

In this field trial, growers were also used two concentrations of Enviotin, 0.5% and 1% on Chesapeake and Butterfeld chrysanthemums. Flower count and plant size, plant treated with Enviotin at 0.5 and 1 percent could not be distinguished from one another (no discernible difference). 

The results of our product field trials clearly showed that Enviotics and Enviotin can be used to improve efficiency in crop production, giving benefits to plants (healthy plants, larger plants, and more flowers) and growers (increase plant quality, increase profits, reduce costs, and/or reduce the use of additional chemical fertilizers). By concentrating on soil productivity to acquire the maximum yields this year, you can set goals 5 to 10 percent higher than in past years. 

Are you ready to use our Enviotics and/or Enviotin for your crop production and cut back on the use of chemical fertilizer? We are ready to supply our products both Enviotics and Enviotin in large quantities, please contact us to purchase them: