Growing and Caring for Sweet Basil Plants using Enviotin Capsules

Growing and Caring for Sweet Basil Plants using Enviotin Capsules

By Nutrienvisus Technologies Inc

Basil is a popular herb and plant known worldwide for its culinary and health attributes. Basil is a quick and easy-growing herb that can be grown indoors and outdoors. It is also a perfect  decorative plant for your home - with a nice aroma and beautiful flowers.

Enviotin Trial: Growing Basil 

Most home gardeners start growing basil in pots from seeds or seedlings. Some purchase potted basil plants from local growers, so they can readily enjoy their aromatic and fresh leaves for their dishes.

In this trial, we purchased small/young basil plants from local growers. We selected basil plants with the same size. We took care of these young basil plants with and without Enviotin capsules. One Enviotin capsule was given for each treated pot monthly (at the time we purchased, first month, and second month after we purchased). This trial was performed from June 20, 2021 to September 20, 2021.

Effectiveness of Enviotin capsules to maintain healthy basil’s plants, particularly its aroma, were observed by comparing treated and non-treated capsules. Overall, we observed that basil plants treated with Enviotin monthly grew healthier than without Enviotin. While the leaves of non-treated basil plants started to turn yellow faster and new leaves were smaller. Below images showed monthly observations of treated and non-treated basil plants.

In this trial, we clearly see that a monthly Enviotin capsule application is all that you really need for healthy basil growth. We observed that the number of leaves were two fold more in the treated plants.

Both the treated and non-treated plants had a robust rooting system.

The results indicated that one Enviotin capsule provided sufficient and balanced nutrients for basil plant growth. While deficiency of nutrients were found in non-treated plants. Learn more about Enviotin and how Enviotin can promote healthy plants and soil. Click Here.

With Enviotin capsules, we can produce healthier basil plants:

  • Up to 25% larger and taller plants
  • Up to 1.5X thicker stems
  • Up to 50% larger and greener leaves with no bitter taste.

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